Ballinger Charitable TrustGrants Awarded Since 2018

We are committed to being as transparent as possible in everything we do, a key reason for joining the 360Giving initiative – together with many other funding bodies.
360Giving helps organisations openly publish grants data, and helps people use it to improve charitable giving. 360Giving is continually developing tools that will help funders and fundraisers make use of grant data. Some examples can be found on 360Giving’s GrantNav page. Use GrantNav to search, filter and download data about where funding goes and how much is given across billions of pounds of grants, for causes and locations across the UK. Grantnav uses open data published by funders about their grants in the 360Giving Data Standard.
Information is now available on all grants awarded by The Ballinger Charitable Trust since 2018 , to be updated on a quarterly basis. Search our funding information here or, if preferred, download an Excel summary spreadsheet.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to be used and shared as they wish. The data must be attributed to The Ballinger Charitable Trust. To view a copy of this license, visit: If you have questions or feedback, please email