Ballinger Charitable TrustSilverline Memories

Silverline Memories was founded in December 2013 in order to provide “places to go and things to do” for people living with Dementia, and aim to facilitate 20 social opportunities each month. The charity firmly believe that life should not stop following a diagnosis of dementia and that, despite the media portrayal, there is still much joy to be found and a fully and active life to be lived. They recognise that is it not just the person with the diagnosis who is “living with dementia” but everyone who loves and cares for that person, and therefore welcome everyone who is affected by a diagnosis. They provide specialist support to Carers of people with dementia as their needs are just as important.
Silverline Memories adheres to the “Butterfly Method” of Dementia Care, which means never correcting a person’s beliefs or understanding. Staff & volunteers simply stay with the person in whatever time or space they believe themselves to be.