Ballinger Charitable TrustBerwick Youth Project

Since 1995, Berwick Youth Project has provided information and support, supported accommodation, outdoor activities and youth club facilities to young people aged between 13 and 25. They offer a wide range of services, offering different things to different people, who have different needs at different times. For some young people they work with, this means a safe place to be and a source of practical and emotional help. For some, it’s a fun place to meet with challenging activities in the evenings and holidays. For others, accommodation and support is provided.
Berwick Youth Project is available to all young people aged 13 – 25 years, living in the Berwick area.
Please follow the below link for more information on the kinds of activities and support available.
Berwick Youth Project – what we do
Feedback received from John Bell, Project Manager :
Funding from Ballinger and the National Lottery enabled Berwick Youth Project to provide a wide range of activities during the school holidays. Young people were consulted and asked for trips away, new experiences and local ‘chill’ days.
The trips away included the Metro Centre, Bugsy Malone, Beamish Open Air Museum, Mr Gay Europe at Alnwick Gardens, Vue Cinema trip to Edinburgh and to Northumberland Zoo. All trips contained elements of education, social interaction and life skills.
BYP were also able to offer substantial subsidised fees for 8 young people to take part in a week-long trip on the James Cook sailing boat, and also take part in surfing sessions.
Project based activities included crafternoons, cookery, music and games.
Quotes from young people:
“throughout the holidays the activities have helped me in various ways like helping me with my communication skills towards others by putting me in situation which put me out of my comfort zone and forcing me to speak to people I wouldn’t of if it was a choice”
“I actually went on my first Metro train. I loved it. I want to do it again”
“The activities have definitely helped me and taught me how to keep self-control and perseverance through difficult challenges. They definitely helped me for the good.”
“My time management has improved by having to organise when and where to be for the activities.”
“The Mr Gay Europe trip was the best day of my life.”
“The trip to the theatre was brilliant. I’ve never been to Pizza Hut before. I’ve never been to the theatre before. I went with some people I didn’t know, and I came back with new friends.”